The Earth is warming up. The scientific community points to human activity as the principal factor for the increase in the temperature of the planet.

This warming is caused by emissions of gases into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) that produce the greenhouse effect.

The control and restriction of these gas emissions is vital since they accumulate in the atmosphere preventing solar energy and the Earth’s heat from dissipating into outer space, thereby causing the global temperature increase on the planet.

How do climatic changes affect us?

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to the environment that humankind is confronting. The continued use of the so-called dirty energies has contributed to the climatic change causing flooding, strong winds and rain, serious drought periods, etc., which consequently produce economic losses. The greenhouse effect is a very complex problem that, if not tackled immediately, will have negative consequences for all forms of life. To accomplish this, a radical change is necessary in the way that energy is produced and used.

The old model used to obtain energy must give way to a new model of sustainable energy based on the utilization of renewable and alternative sources.

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The old model used to obtain energy must free the way for a new model of sustainable energy

climatic change